Find a Dealer
All Promatic machines are manufactured at the Promatic HQ in the United Kingdom. To offer a great service worldwide, we work closely with dealers to make
sure we can always offer great customer service. To find a dealer in a region, you can use the dropdown menu below. When a region is selected it will list the
dealer(s) in that region.
Australia - AU
Lee Berger
PO BOX 1316, GEELONG, VICTORIA 3220, Australia
Austria - AT
Franz Rameder
Linzer Str. 13, 4780 Schaerding, Vorstadt, Austria
Croatia - HR
Zagrebacka ulica 65, 10370 Lupoglav-Brckovljani
Finland - FI
Esko Erkkilä (Oy HW Company) / Kai Hämäläinen (Haulikkokoulu & Kiväärikoulu)
Greece - GR
Yiannis Zafeiropoulos
2 Pilou STR 17th km Ethnikis Odou Athinon Lamias 14564 Kifissia, Greece
Portugal - PT
Fernando Neves
R..F. Malta, Ida, Avenida da Igreja, 68, 4470 -360 Mouquim, Portugal
Switzerland - CH
Ueli Lischer
Brandstrasse 3, 6066 St. Niklausen, Switzerland