Promatic in Finland

Promatic in Finland

The first Promatic machine sold by Rune Sundqvist in Finland, was in 2000, and many of those machines are still working faultlessly to this day, "the high-quality components have led to zero complaints for over 20 years". Customers have always praised the machines for working so well and expressed their satisfaction in the service provided. The Promatic customer base is growing rapidly in Finland, with work currently underway on shooting ranges to replace their existing equipment with Promatic equipment, particularly for Compak Sporting.  

Over the years it has become increasingly popular for shooting grounds and clubs to apply for financial support to help invest in Promatic equipment. 

Rune organised the very popular and successful “Promatic Open Sporting” event for several years. It was first held at Jakobstads Skytteförening RF, then hosted at a number of different shooting clubs around Finland. The competition was popular with shooters from Norway, Sweden, Russia and the Baltic countries.   

To contact Rune Sundqvist, please call: 00358 409 119 194 or email

Laura Peltokangas and Rune Sundqvist at JSF Clubhouse

Club SiUra in Siilinjärvi, Finland

Promatic trailer for deliveries and service. 

Photo: Pasi Peltokangas - Club JSF Jakobstad  

Club JSF Jakobstad, Finland

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